Tulon Photonics

Frequency noise performance & Tunability: These two features together are sought after in a laser, as it increases bandwidth and sensitivity in modern photonics. Despite the plethora of companies, supply is scarce for industrial-grade and cutting-edge tunable ultra-low-noise lasers.  

Tulon Photonics provides the next generation lasers to revolutionize 21st century photonics.

Communications: The 25% annual increase in internet traffic, plus high bandwidth demand for cloud computing enabled software and AI-driven services, is putting a toll on our current optical fiber infrastructure. Laying down more fiber infrastructure is costly and takes time. A new optical datacenter standard is currently being developed using state-of-the-art photonics and the next generation high performance lasers.  At the same time, satellite constellations relaying internet traffic using the next generation lasers are also being laid down. 

Remote Sensing: Remote sensing includes a broad range of applications, whatever it is, lasers are its backbone. Tunable ultra low noise lasers will greatly increase sensitivity, allowing detection at greater distances with better resolution. Notable applications worth mentioning include: Seismic detection, surgical robot force sensing brain tissue, civil and aerospace engineering monitoring, defense/security, lidar, etc.

Emerging Quantum Technologies: Cutting-edge lasers are the bread-and-butter for emerging quantum technologies. Whether it's Quantum Communication, Quantum Computing, or Quantum Sensing, emerging quantum technologies require only the best. 


Photos: Google Images

Laser World Focus:Tunable external-cavity lasers power high-speed coherent transmission

Blumenthal et. al., Frequency-Stabilized Links for Coherent WDM Fiber Interconnects in the Datacenter,  J. Lightwave Technol. 38, 3376-3386 (2020)

Optica Industry Online Industry meeting: Optical Fiber Sensing

Optica Online Industry Meeting: Quantum Sensing

Optica Online Industry Meeting: NewSpace

Optica Online Industry Meeting: Photonics-based Quantum Computing

IP and Technology

Intellectual Property “SquashLock”  

Invented by Fritz Diorico and Onur Hosten at ISTA

Robust, Modulation-free and cost-efficient laser frequency stabilization method. It can be applied to any kind of laser, making it extremely versatile 

Surpassed the best documented laser frequency stabilization using the current industry standard. 

Can be used in various ways, with the Laser being the most straightforward product.

Patent protect: Two EPs filed and one PCT

You can learn about it more over here [1] and [2].


Revolutionary External Cavity Laser (ECL) using our SquashLock  (400nm - 2200nm):

- Ultra-low Frequency Noise

- Extended-Tuning-Range (ETR)

- Versatile, Compact, and Cost-Efficient


Ultra-low frequency noise while having wide tunability are very hard to obtain in a compact OEM-ready laser. 

So, what sets us apart?

Besides performance, different applications require certain compromises...


We will set ‘the’ standard for highly tunable ultra low frequency noise industrial lasers with scientific performance. 

Quiet Lasers 

for the 21st Century

The relevant noise sources fall in the acoustic range. So, the image you see can be taken quite literally.

FFG pre-Spin-Off phase: 

Create industry ready prototypes to engage with targeted customers


Fritz Diorico

CEO, Co-founder

Aisling Johnson

Head of Photonics, Co-founder

Onur Hosten

Chief Scientific Officer, Co-founder

Josip Kukucka

Head of Electronics, Co-founder

Dusan Lorenc

Senior Engineer

Advisory Board

Maria Anagnosti

Sr. Technical Manager 

Meta | Apple | Infinera | Nokia Bell Labs 

Laser & Photonics Expert in Telecom, Biophotonics & AR Displays. 

Silicon Valley, California, USA

Thorsten Schumm

Nuclear Quantum Clock group leader

Pioneer of the new field Nuclear Quantum Optics

TU Wien Professor, former Department of Physics Dean, 

Scientific advisor on ultra-stable lasers

TU Vienna, Austria

Markus Aspelmeyer

UniWien, VCQ,

Director IQOQI, Austria

World renowned scientist w/ personal experience on university spin-offs and towards exits

Ira Pozon

Corporate Lawyer | International Law | MBA | Lecturer

Policy and Government Relations | Regulatory Affairs | Advocacy | Law | Stakeholder Relations

Singapore | Philippines


Kavita Surana

Professor in Sustanability, 

WU Vienna

Michael Trupke

Senior Reserach Associate

UniWien, IQOQI

Contact us

We are currently supported by the FFG spin-off fellowship program and xista innovations. We aim to officially create the company within Q3/4 of 2024. 

We would love to hear about your application. We only aim to enable your application beyond possibility.

Or perhaps you would like to support us and become part of our endeavor. Then join us into creating a new age of photonics. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Contact us at: fritz@tulonphotonics.com 


White Paper

If you want to learn more about our technology, feel free to download our white paper and do not hesitate to contact us.



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